Ase Internet -eBook that will teach you quickly and completely to work independently on the Internet. This book explains all about the Internet in an accessible form, and no contact, it is
.you'll learn all about the Internet and its capabilities. you can create your e-mail e-mail, learn how to protect your PC from viruses, download files via torrent. Learn how to receive social services via the Internet, pay fines, taxes, utilities and others learn to work correctly in Skype.
with it you can:
- yourself to create your electronic mailbox on the e-mail server to send and receive emails ;
- independently and correctly configure the browsers ( Internet Explorer) ;
- view and save any files and Web pages ;
- can configure and connect your computer to the Internet ;
- know how to connect and configure your router ;
- intelligently search the Internet ;
- learn a lot about search engines, servers and hostings ;
- learn what are the possibilities of earning on the Internet and get acquainted with well-known payment systems ;
- Learn how to protect your computer from viruses and learn about the best anti-virus programs and how they should work ;
- learn safety on the Internet, i.e. how not to jump at the bait of online fraudsters and more ;
- Learn how to quickly find and download movies, software, torrent files and local network;
- learn all about social networking ( classmates, vkontakte etc. ) and how to they work ;
- Learn how to receive social services via the Internet, pay fines, taxes, utilities, etc. ;
- learn to work correctly in Skype ;
- familiar with the creation of blogs and sites ;
- Learn how to properly serve ads on electronic boards ;
- can virtually travel to museums around the world in online, getting acquainted with the great masterpieces of painters and sculptors.
in the book a dictionary of Internet"".
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