Saturday, June 18, 2016

Windows - as is 1.0

Windows - as it is! - E-book from the publishing house BookSoft. Tuning and optimizing your computer, answers to frequently asked questions, all the secrets and the usefulness of the Windows XP operating system. Lots of interesting and useful information for yourself and your computer.

Windows have been shutdown to prevent damage"data -text - filtered ="windows have been shutdown to prevent damage, windows have black mold"data -text - filtered ="windows have black mold, windows have been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer"data -text - filtered ="windows have been shutdown to prevent damage to your computer, windows have condensation on the inside"data -text - filtered ="windows have condensation on the inside, the windows have condensation"data -text - filtered ="windows have condensation, windows have condensation on outside"data -text - filtered ="windows have condensation on outside, windows have condensation between panes"data -text - filtered ="windows have condensation between panes, windows have condensation on them"data -text - filtered ="windows have condensation on them, windows have eyes"data -text - filtered ="windows have eyes, windows has encountered a critical problem"data -text - filtered ="windows has encountered a critical problem, windows have frost inside the"data -text - filtered ="windows have frost inside, windows have gaps"data -text - filtered ="windows have gaps, windows have ice on the inside"data -text - filtered ="windows have ice on the inside, how to install the windows image is"data -text - filtered ="is the windows image to install, windows have lost their seal"data -text - filtered ="windows have lost their seal, windows have lots of condensation"data -text - filtered ="windows have lots of condensation, windows have moisture inside the"data -text - filtered ="windows have moisture inside, windows have moisture between glass"data -text - filtered ="windows have moisture between glass windows, have recovered from an unexpected shutdown"data -text - filtered ="windows have recovered from an unexpected shutdown, windows have recovered from an unexpected shutdown blue screen"data -text - filtered ="windows have recovered from an unexpected shutdown blue screen, windows have stopped this device code 43"data -text - filtered ="windows have stopped this device code 43, windows have stopped working"data -text - filtered ="windows have stopped working

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